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9800 Broadway Ext, Suite 203
Oklahoma City, OK 73114


What is hip arthroscopy?

Hip arthroscopy is also commonly referred to as a “hip scope”. Hip arthroscopy is a procedure performed on an outpatient basis. The surgery is performed through small poke hole incisions with a camera.

Hip arthroscopy is the preferred treatment for many hip issues due to its minimally invasive nature.

How long is the surgery?

The procedure itself is approximately 1 hour to an hour and a half.

Do I go home after surgery?

Yes. You go home after the procedure.

What am I going home with?

Dr. Johnson will send you home with crutches or a walker based on the surgery. He will often also recommend a motion machine and an ice machine for after surgery.

Do I have to use my crutches?

Yes, you are to continue to use your crutches for the amount of time given to you by Dr. Johnson and his team.

How long will I be on crutches?

4-6 weeks based on the procedure.

How big is the incision?

The incisions on the hip are small poke hole type incisions. There are typically two or three.

How long do I wear the tegaderm dressing after surgery?

This dressing is to be left on until you are seen at your first post-op appointment.

What’s my first goal after surgery?

With most all hip surgeries, I want you walking well without a limp at six weeks.

When do I bring my CPM machine back?

You are to bring your CPM machine back the day for your post-op appointment. These machines are provided by an outside company – The Brace Place – if you need to contact them for any reason you may call them 405-858-5200.

How soon can I drive after surgery?

When you are no longer taking any narcotics for pain after surgery you are able to drive.

When can I be released to participate in sports or high impact activity?

Typically 3-4 months.

What’s the most common complaint after surgery?

Numbness of the foot, thigh or groin is a very common complaint and will regularly subside.

What is the chance of success with this surgery?

The long-term outcomes after minimally invasive hip surgery can be determined by a multitude of things. The most common issues that negatively effect outcomes are obesity, osteoarthritis and surgeon experience–due to the complexity of the procedure.

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